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What makes a refurbished iPhone environmentally friendly?

There are many advantages to buying a refurbished iPhone. They’re an excellent way to get your hands on a top-quality device at a great price, for starters. But then there’s also the environmental aspect. As we move forward, it becomes clear that our current system of consumerism has to end: it simply uses up too much of earth’s precious resources. Refurbished phones (and other products) provides an excellent way to limit society’s carbon footprint. But how does this work exactly? In this post, we’re going to take a look at a few ways in which buying recycled iPhones can reduce a person’s carbon footprint.

Less tech ending up in landfill

When technology is thrown away, it doesn’t go to some magical place where it’s transformed into something new: it ends up in the landfill. These are places where all our rubbish goes, and once you see one, it becomes clear that things have to change. It’s just not possible for us to keep on piling up these spaces with our junk, and hope that everything works out. When you buy refurbished, you’re supporting a system that provides environmentally friendly iPhones. That’s because you’ll have bought a phone that would otherwise have ended up in a landfill. Did you know that the vast majority of technology that ends up in the landfill isn’t actually broken? They just need a little TLC. If they’re taken care of by a professional, then they can be effectively be brought back to life, to the point where they feel almost brand new.

So every time that you buy a refurbished product, you’re supporting an industry that stops otherwise healthy goods from ending up in a space where they won’t decompose, just negatively affect the environment.

Less waste

We have all gotten pretty used to the idea of waste. When we want something, we buy it; when we’re tired of that item, we can just throw it away. There’s no problem: there’s plenty more where that came from! Or at least, that’s what we used to think. Today, we all understand that it’s not possible to live a lifestyle that’s based on endless consumption of new products. In some cases, it’s necessary – you can’t buy refurbished editions of everything after all. But other cases, it’s the smart option. This is the case when it comes to refurbished iPhones! Rather than having a phone go to the landfill, or just sitting in a drawer, refurbished items get pumped back into the system, helping to reduce waste.

Giving devices longer lives

There are plenty of excellent iPhones out there. In some cases, it’s not even the latest one that is considered to be the best. It might have newer features and more power and so on, but sometimes, it’s the edition before that’s better. It could be because the design is better, or whatever. In some cases, people have their own personal preferences. Some people don’t like to have the latest iPhone because it’s too complicated to use or too large; they’re looking for something smaller.

Would you pick the iPhone X or a refurbished iPhone 11 Pro?

Companies that specialise in refurbishing technology help to extend the life of devices. When a person wants to upgrade their phone, they don’t just keep their old ones in the drawer or throw it away: they can choose to sell their old iPhone to a company like ours. We’ll restore the item to excellent condition, and then someone else will buy it. It’s clear to see how this kind of system brings benefits to the planet; the person who bought the item may have bought a new product if it wasn’t available. As well as benefiting the planet, it also helps the person selling the iPhone too, since they can get money for an item that they no longer need.

Less environmental damage through manufacturing processes

Of course, once a new device is in your hands, the environmental impact is minimal. All you’re using is the energy that’s used to give you battery life, data and calls. The real environmental impact of the iPhone happens before and after a person owns it. Beforehand, the process of manufacturing requires that a lot of resources are dug up and assembled, which has a tremendous impact on the earth. Once it’s assembled, it has to travel all the way from the factory to your front door, which is essentially the other wise of the world. When you buy refurbished, you’re extending the life of the device. While you can’t completely undo the damage that has been done to the earth when it was first made, you are reducing that damage every month that you own the device.

Setting a Trend

We can also think about the trendsetting aspect of buying refurbished iPhones, iPads and more. Sometimes, all people need is to know that there’s an alternative system out there in order for them to adopt it. There’s a lot of people that care about the environment and want to reduce their carbon footprint. It’s just that they’re not entirely sure on how to do it. If you invest in refurbished tech, you’ll be able to tell your friends that you’ve been supporting an earth-friendly practice, yet still have an outstanding phone. You might just inspire them to join you. In the future, it seems that a person’s green credentials will be even more important than it is now. It just won’t be cool to always be buying new products, with no regard for the environment. Buy your refurbished iPhone now, and you’ll be ahead of the curve.

As we’ve shown, there really are many good reasons why refurbished devices are good for the environment. Indeed, the benefits of buying this type of phone are endless; you’ll get to save money, get an excellent phone, and do your bit for the environment. It’s a situation that benefits everything! If you’re looking for a new device, then check out the offerings at The iOutlet for the latest refurbished tech. You’ll find that there are plenty of excellent iPhones available at a great price!


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The iOutlet is an award-winning online and wholesale-retail company focusing on refurbished phones, tablets, game consoles, and other tech. The iOutlet is the place to go for certified pre-owned devices where quality and performance are guaranteed. Every device is rigorously tested and nothing is shipped out to you short of perfect working order.

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